A selected listing of my work appears below and I am happy to check their availability for you in case of interest. These are arranged as:
Section A - A selection of Journal papers (since 2004-2005), and work-in-progress.
Section B - Books and book-chapters, other entries, that have under gone editorial screening.
Section C - Consultancy work that are in the public domain (typically these are the ones in which I played a major role such as main economics-based investigator and author).
Section D - Non-peer reviewed (newspaper pieces, etc.).
Section E - Miscellaneous (conferences attended, presentations made, external examining, editorial roles, etc).
Section A: Peer-reviewed:
Dabir-Alai, P., Arvin, M. and Pradhan, R. P. (2022), "Is there a link between undernourishment, political climate and other socio-economic variables? Evidence from low-income countries", Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Volume 40, No. 5, pp 1121-1141. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEAS-11-2021-0244
Arvin, M., Pradhan, R.P., Nair, M. and Dabir-Alai, P. (2022). "Exploring the Temporal Links between Foreign Aid, Institutional Quality, and CO2 Emissions for Poorer Countries', Energy & Buildings. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2022.112287
Dabir-Alai, P. and Oliveira, A. (2017), “Adding value by degree: a case study”, International Journal of Education Economics and Development, Volume 8, No. 1. DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2017.085376
Dabir-Alai, P. and Valadkhani, A. (2016), “Foreign Aid, economic outcomes and happiness”, International Journal of Happiness and Development, Volume 3, No. 2. DOI: 10.1504/IJHD.2016.079588
Valadkhani, A., Babacan, A., and Dabir-Alai, P. (2014), “The Impacts of Rising Energy Prices on Non-Energy Sectors in Australia”, Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 44, issue 4, 386-395. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eap.2014.11.005
Dabir-Alai, P. (2012), “'Impact of the Development of the Knowledge Economy (or Knowledge Economies) in the North on Economies in the South’, editorial entry”, International Journal of Public Policy, Vol. 8, Nos. 4/5/6, 2012. Volume 8, Nos. 4/5/6 appears here: https://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticletoc.php?jcode=ijpp&year=2012&vol=8&issue=4/5/6
McIntosh, B., McQuaid, R., Munro, A. and Dabir-Alai, P. (2012), “Motherhood and its impact on career progression – the case of Scottish nurses 2000-2008”, Gender in Management: an International Journal, Volume 27, issue 5. https://doi.org/10.1108/17542411211252651
Correa, A and Dabir-Alai, P. (2011), “How does development affect international economic emigration? A case study of Polish emigration to the UK”, International Journal of Education Economics and Development. Volume 2, issue 1, pages 31-60. DOI: 10.1504/IJEED.2011.037965
Zantout, H. and Dabir-Alai, P. (2007), “The Knowledge Economy in the Context of European Union Policy on Higher Education”, Education, Knowledge & Economy: A Journal for Education and Social Enterprise, v1 n2 p125-143. https://doi.org/10.1080/17496890601129397
Arvin, B. Mak, Dabir-Alai, P. and Lew, B. (2006), “Does Foreign Aid affect the Environment in Developing Countries?”, Journal of Economic Development, Volume 31, Number 1, pp 63-87.
Dabir-Alai, P. (2004), “The Economics of Street-Vending – An empirical framework for measuring vulnerability in Delhi in the late 1990s”. Joint meeting of the Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI) and the UNU’s World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), Helsinki – Finland, September 17-19, 36 pages, 2004.
Completed projects currently out for peer review:
Another project in the field of development economics I have been involved (with 3 colleagues) explores the links between economic growth and institutional quality. We assess the role of military expenditure and the presence of corruption on the above mentioned links. The full title is: "Do the state of governance, military expenditure, institutional quality and economic growth have temporal causal links?" A pre-print of the paper (not yet reviewed) appears on this link: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2907674/v1
Work in Progress:
I have several projects in mind for further research and am currently exploring their potential and viability.
Section B: Books and book chapters:
Dabir-Alai, P. and Odekon, M. (ed.) “Economic Liberalisation and Labour Markets”, Greenwood Press, Westport, Ct., USA 1998.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Political Economy, Liberalisation and Labour’s Absorption: A Generalised View of Recent Experiences” in Dabir-Alai, P. and Odekon, M. (ed.), Economic Liberalisation and Labour Markets, Greenwood Press, Westport, USA 1998.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Planning in India: An overview of key objectives and achievements” in H.D. Vinod (ed.) Study of Indian History and Culture, BHISHMA, Volume 17 (of an 18-volume set), Thane 1996.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Applicability of the ‘problem-based learning’ approach to an international student body: some preliminary results from undergraduate economics” in P. Keizer et. al. (ed.) Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Administration, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1995.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Street Children”, Encyclopedia of Economics and Society. Sage Publications, London, 2015.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Famine” in World Encyclopedia of Poverty, Volume 1, pp 346-350, Sage Publications, Thousand Oaks and London, 2006.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Street trading in urban areas” in the Routledge Development Encyclopaedia, Routledge Publications, London 2004.
Dabir-Alai, P. “World Commission on Dams” in the Routledge Development Encyclopaedia, Routledge Publications, London 2004.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Harris-Todaro Model” in the Routledge Development Encyclopaedia, Routledge Publications, London 2004.
Dabir-Alai, P. “Urban Petty Trading” in the Readers’ Guide to the Social Sciences, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London 2001.
Section C: Consultancy work:
None of the projects I have worked on recently have been in the public domain, as such I can only offer brief outlines of what each of the listed projects entailed. My engagements were all completed within the past 5 years.
Advised a significant player within the Persian Gulf region on how to create and improve their exiting tools on enhancing their stock of social capital.
Advised an internationally focused beverage producer on how to manage risk in emerging economies and overcome regulatory threats.
Advised a major European investment bank on projections of UK Consumer Spending trends for the remainder of 2022 and beyond.
Offered advice to a UK government department searching for an effective tool with which to measure its economic contribution.
Led a feasibility study examining the setting up and subsequent expansion of a collaborative project between two international university partners.
All projects now closed. The last project did not progress beyond the feasibility study.
Some years ago I acted as one of the principal investigators for the economics section of the following interdisciplinary project, which is in the public domain. This multi-billion dollar project was funded through a collaboration between the OECD, the Inter-American Development Bank and the Caribbean Development Bank and focused on assessing the feasibility of rebuilding infrastructure across multiple sectors within CARICOM countries. This work was completed as part of an interdisciplinary team of engineers, scientists and economists (myself, Dr. Juliette Melville and Professor Karl Theodore). The project reports submitted to the client were also published in-house by the IDB as follows:
“Macroeconomic Overview of Suriname” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1997.
“Macroeconomic Overview of The Bahamas” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for The Bahamas’, prepared as part of the Caribbean Regional Infrastructure Study Project (CRISP) for the IDB; April 1996.
“Executive Summary on Trinidad and Tobago Country Report” Prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB. Sole author for Economics section as well as overall editorial control for remaining sections; April 1996.
“Caribbean Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda” for the IDB, 171 pages, June 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of Barbados” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for Barbados’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of Belize” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for Belize’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of Dominica” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for Dominica’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of Guyana” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for Guyana’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of Jamaica” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for Jamaica’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB, April 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of St. Lucia” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for St. Lucia’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1996.
“Macroeconomic Overview of St. Kitts & Nevis” Appearing as Chapter 1 of ‘Infrastructure for Development: A Policy Agenda for St. Kitts & Nevis’, prepared as part of the CRISP for the IDB; April 1996.
Section D: Non-peer reviewed:
Dabir-Alai, P. “On Austrian Economics” Financial Times (London), July 31, 1995.
Dabir-Alai, P. “On the link between anti-inflationary programmes and poverty eradication in Brazil” Financial Times (London), March 12, 1994.
Dabir-Alai, P. "Dams, lies and economics", Briefing Notes in Economics, Issue 2, January 1993.
Dabir-Alai, P. “On the definition of ‘services’ and ‘manufacturing’ industries” Financial Times (London), November 21, 1992.
Dabir-Alai, P. "A timely redirection of British economic policy?", Briefing Notes in Economics, Issue 1, November 1992.
Dabir-Alai, P. “On trade and the environment” Financial Times (London), February 14, 1992.
Dabir-Alai, P. “On India’s programme of economic reform” Financial Times (London), August 9, 1991.
Dabir-Alai, P. “On the World Bank’s targeting of loans to the private sector within LDCs” Financial Times, (London) May 7, 1991.
Section E: Miscellaneous
Selection of conferences attended and presentations made:
"Happiness and student wellbeing" presented at the International Conference at Amity University on "Student Engagement, Wellbeing, Holistic Development & the ‘New Normal’" 21 – 22, January 2021.
"Decent work agenda in the informal labour market to promote inclusive growth", Talk given to St. Teresa's College's Department of Economics, (see promotional poster here), October 28, 2020.
"Understanding Social Macroeconomics", Third Annual Conference: 21 to 23 October 2020.
"The migration and refugee crisis", conference organised for the Wellbeing Research Centre at Richmond University, (see 'Latest News' for more information), June 2, 2020.
"Will improvements in technology always lead to an increase in productive work and economic growth? What do we need to consider before introducing an innovative technology into low-income / fragile state economies?”, presentation as part of a 3-man event at the Association of Commonwealth Universities in London, (see 'Latest News' for more information), November 8, 2019.
"Accounting for Macroeconomic Failures", part of the Rebuilding Macroeconomics seminar series convened by Paul Collier and Dennis Snower, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University, January 15, 2018.
"Brexit: the why, the how & the when; and with what outcomes?", Lecture to North Florida University faculty and students, at UCL-IoE, London, May 2017.
"Adding value by degree: a case study", Talk as part of workshop on 'Education and Wellbeing' hosted by the Wellbeing Research Centre at Richmond University, June 2016.
“Income-Education volatility amongst street-vendors of Delhi: A case of educational deepening or something else?” The 8th UKFIET International Conference on Education and Development: Learning and Livelihood, Oxford, September 13-15, 18 pages, 2005.
“The Economics of Street-Vending – An empirical framework for measuring vulnerability in Delhi in the late 1990s”. Joint meeting of the Expert Group on Development Issues (EGDI) and the UNU’s World Institute for Development Economics Research (WIDER), Helsinki – Finland, September 17-19, 36 pages, 2004.
“Measuring vulnerability: A case study of Delhi’s street vending communities”, International Conference entitled Livelihoods at the Margin, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London, July 8-9, 28 pages, 2004.
“The Socio-Economics of Street Vending: A Case Study of Vulnerability for Delhi in the late 1990’s”, Eastern Economic Association’s Annual Meetings, Washington D.C. – USA, February 20-22, 35 pages, 2004.
“Political Economy, Liberalization and Labour’s Absorption: A Generalized View of Recent Experiences”, Eastern Economic Association’s Annual Meetings, New York – USA, February 27-March 1, 35 pages. Also appearing in Dabir-Alai, P. and Odekon, M. (ed.), Economic Liberalization and Labor Markets, Greenwood Press, Westport, Ct., USA 1998.
“The economics of street-vending in a small metropolitan capital city: Port-of-Spain, Trinidad”, Caribbean Studies Association’s 21st Annual Meetings, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 27-31, 14 pages 1996.
“Street vending within Port of Spain: an exploratory analysis”, Association of Caribbean Economists’ workshop on the Small Business Sector, St. Augustine, Trinidad, November 18, 16 pages 1995.
“Anticipating the demand for Caribbean economists in the 21st century: A response to two business sector views”, Association of Caribbean Economists, mimeo 1995.
“Resource-rich manufacturing in developing countries: leather goods in India”, Association of Indian Economic Studies’ Annual Meetings, held in conjunction with the American Economic Association’s Annual Meetings, Boston, USA, January 3-5, 18 pages, 1994.
“Applicability of the ‘problem-based learning’ approach to an international student body: some preliminary results from undergraduate economics”, conference on Educational Innovation in Economics and Business Administration, University of Limburg, December 9-11, 12 pages, 1993.
“Urban formal employment opportunities in the developing world: ‘aspiration’ versus ‘contentment’ for Delhi’s street peddlers”, Eastern Economic Association’s Annual Meetings, New York – USA, March 26-29, 7 pages, 1992.
“Informal Markets and the ‘roaming merchants’ of Delhi: a case study”, preliminary findings presented to the Economic and Social Research Council’s Development Economics Study Group meeting of December 6, at the L.S.E., 17 pages, 1992.
“Import Substitution and Protection across selected Manufacturing Industries of India: A discussion of the 1973/74 to 1979/80 period”, poster session Indian Econometric Society 27th Annual Conference, Aligarh, India, January, 31 pages, 1990.
“Industrial Policy and the Ideal Infant”, Eastern Economic Association’s Annual Meetings, Washington D.C., March 5-7, 11 pages, 1987.
“India’s experience with her inward-oriented development strategy”, Association of Indian Economic Studies’ Annual Meetings, held in conjunction with the American Economic Association’s Annual Meetings, New Orleans, December 28-30, 28 pages, 1986.
Editorial responsibilities:
Editor-in-Chief – International Journal of Happiness & Development, since 2020.
Editor – International Journal Economics Education and Development, original affiliation since 2008.
Former Editor-in-Chief – International Journal of Social and Economic Research, 2015-19.
Founding Editor – Briefing Notes in Economics, since 1992.
Bulletin of Statistics and Economics, since 2008.
Book and paper reviews appear in:
Applied Economics; Briefing Notes in Economics; Canadian Journal of Development Studies; Economic Journal; European Urban and Regional Studies; Global Business and Economics Review; Global Social Responsibility; International Journal of Education and Economic Development; International Journal of Happiness and Development; Journal of Developing Areas; Progress in Development Studies.
Selection of funded invitations at international conferences and other events:
Annual World Bank Conference on Development within Latin America and the Caribbean (ABCD-LAC), June 11-14, 1995, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Conference participant.
Symposium on Employment Creation in a Global Economy, International Labour Organisation, Institute of International Relations, UWI, Trinidad, October 20, 1994. Conference participant.
Summit of The Americas Preparatory Meeting On Micro-enterprise and Small Business Financing and Development; Ministry of Trade and Industry, Port of Spain, Trinidad, November 1-2, 1994. Conference participant.
Conference on International Narco-trafficking and The Security of Caribbean States, Institute of International Relations, UWI, Trinidad, January 19-21, 1995. Conference participant.
Data Development and Information Management in Developing Economies, Central Bank, Trinidad, July 10-13, 1995. Conference participant.
University-Industry Cooperation in the Caribbean, Continuing Education in Engineering Centre, Faculty of Engineering, UWI, Trinidad, September 26-27, 1995. Conference participant.
Workshop on Resource-based Teaching, Institute of Social and Economic Research, UWI, Trinidad, September 21-23, 1995. Conference participant.
Workshop on Anticipating the Demand for Economists in the Caribbean in the 21st Century, Department of Economics, UWI, Trinidad, October 9-10, 1995. Conference participant.
Research Review Seminar, Economic Research Department, Central Bank, Trinidad, October 12-13, 1995. Conference participant.
Workshop on Problems involving Health Data and Hospital Costs, Health Economics Unit, UWI, Trinidad, December 1-2, 1995. Conference participant.
Workshop on Liquidity Management in the Caribbean, Caribbean Centre for Monetary Studies, UWI, Trinidad, May 3, 1996. Conference participant.
ESRC’s Development Economics Conference on the Labour in the Development Process, LSE, June 20, 1997. Conference participant.
ESRC’s Development Economics Conference on The Role of the Public Sector, International Development Centre, University of Reading, July 11-12, 1997. Discussant to paper on Migration in Egypt by Professor McCormick and Dr Wahba of the Department of Economics at Southampton University.
ESRC’s Finance and Development Conference, University of Birmingham, September 7-8, 1997. Session Chair. Organiser: Dr Victor Murinde, Department of Economics, University of Birmingham. Conference participant.
Workshop on Evaluation in Higher Education provided by the Quality in Higher Education arm of the Open University, December 11, 1997. Conference participant.
ESRC Development Economics Conference on Is Africa different from Asia?, University of Reading, July 10-11, 1998. Organiser: Professor Thirtle of Reading’s Department of Agricultural Economics. Conference participant.
25th Anniversary Conference: The International University – Local and Global Roles, April 3-5, 1998. Conference participant.
London Group on the Brazilian Economy, paper by Dr Jorge Arbache (University of Kent and Brasilia) on ‘Labour markets: impact of liberalization and reforms’. October 30, 1998. Invited by speaker and Brazilian Embassy official. Conference participant.
Workshop on Women in Informal Employment – Globalizing & Organizing (WIEGO), sponsored by the International Development Research Council (IDRC) and the Harvard International Institute for Development (HIID), April 12-14, 1999, Ottawa, Canada. Invited by Professor Chen of Harvard’s JFK School of Government. Conference participant.
ESRC Development Economics Conference on Development Economics for the New Millennium, University of Reading, July 9-10, 1999. Session Chair. Organised by: Professor Thirtle of Reading’s Department of Agricultural Economics.
Development Studies Association Workshop on 50 Years of Development Economics, Overseas Development Institute, July 2003. Conference participant.
Department of Economics, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, USA, July-August 2000: Academic Visitor.
Centre for Development Economics, Delhi School of Economics, India, May and June 1999. Conducting fieldwork in Delhi on informal markets. Led a group of postgraduate researchers.
Central Statistical Office, Port-of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, June-July 1996: Shadowing progress on the then current round of the Continuous Sample Survey of the Population. Academic observer.
Department of Economics, Skidmore College, Saratoga Springs, USA, March 1992: Delivering paper on ongoing research on informal markets.
Delhi School of Economics, Delhi, India, December 1989 to January 1990: Conducting fieldwork in Delhi on informal markets; paper at the Indian Econometric Society’s annual conference; other research at ICRIER; meetings with staff and students at the Delhi School of Economics; meetings at the Planning Ministry with Chief Planning Officer (the late Professor Sukhamoy Chakravarty).
Miscellaneous previous roles:
External Examiner for M.Sc. in Development Economics at University of Bradford.
External Examiner for M.Sc. and MBA programmes at ESE/University of Buckingham partnership.
External Examiner in Economics at Vesalius College, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).
Research Associate at STICERD – London School of Economics, UK, October 1996-September 1997.
Research mentor and occasional lecturer for undergraduate and master’s level students at London Metropolitan, Liverpool and Leicester Universities, October 2003 – June 2006.
External Examiner for B.A. (Hons) programmes at SIU/University of Roehampton partnership.
External Examiner for B.A. (Hons) in Management at ESCP School of Business.
Founding Chair - Wellbeing Research Centre at Richmond University.
Miscellaneous current roles:
External Examiner for B.Sc. (Hons) in Economics at University of Westminster.
Board of Directors, International Society for the Quality of Life Studies.